If results allow it, a company can :

  • Be certified
  • Take place in the Best Workplaces List

Companies wishing to apply to certification must get at least 65% of positive answers at the Trust Index©average.
The Trust Index©survey include 60 questions, based on 5 component of the trust identified by Great Place To Work® : proud, camaraderie, fairness, respect, credibility. Several open-ended questions can be used to approach if you want some thematics not or too little approached by the closed-ended questions. These open-ended questions are there for you to express yourself freely and are taken into account in the evaluation of the questionnaire.

Companies wishing to apply to the Best Workplaces List must get at least 65% of positive answers at the Trust Index© average. They also must submit to our evaluation a file that lists their managerial practices : the Culture Audit©. This one will be evaluate by a dedicated team based on a international rating grid. The minimum score needed is 30/60.

Read more about the Trust Index© and the Culture Audit©

The Trust Index© survey include 60 questions, based on 5 component of the trust identified by Great Place To Work® : proud, camaraderie, fairness, respect, credibility.

Several open-ended questions can be used to approach if you want some thematics not or too little approached by the closed-ended questions.

These open-ended questions are there for you to express yourself freely and are taken into account in the evaluation of the questionnaire.

A minimum participation rate is require at the Trust Index© survey (this rate depends on the number of collaborators in the company) to guarantee the representativeness of the results.

Companies wishing to apply to the Certification and the Best Workplaces List must get at least 65% of positive answers at the Trust Index© average.

They also must submit to our evaluation a file that lists their managerial practices : the Culture Audit©.

This one will be evaluate by a dedicated team based on a international rating grid. The minimum score needed is 30/60.
The « label » can designate both certification and ranking in the Best Workplaces List.

Read more about the Trust Index© and the Culture Audit©

As part of the Trust Index© survey, we collect employees’ responses to enable the company to assess their perception: our role is therefore only to administer the survey, to ensure that it runs smoothly and then to transmit the results to the company that appointed us, in all objectivity.

We guarantee the anonymity of responses provided by employees, as well as the confidentiality of the overall results, which belong to the company.
If a company want to participate at the Best Workplaces List, it must complete a file that lists their managerial practices, the Culture Audit ©.

Our in-house team evaluates the quality of these practices according to an international rating grid. We try to make it as unbiased as possible, both in the rating and in the recommendations we make to companies.

Finally, it is important to remember that a company pays for our services to perform an audit or consulting service, and not to obtain certification or a place on our list!

Our evaluation follows a principle of positive recognition. The objective is to promote good practices and to always go further in improving the quality of life at work.

If gaps or areas for improvement emerge, the objective is to accompany the company towards progress. So there is no such thing as a “bad” evaluation, only courses of action !

We explain to our clients that the most important thing is to ensure a post-survey follow-up, so that the employees have the feeling of having been listened to: via a restitution (global or partial) of the results, and via a plan of action focusing on the dimensions to be improved as a priority.

However, the role of Great Place To Work® Mauritius, if we are not mandated for an advisory mission, is limited to reporting the results and these general recommendations.

Companies do not pay to obtain our label, but to carry out an audit of their quality of life at work.

Whether they are certified or not, the cost of the audit is the same.

Like any company offering services, we charge rates that cover the work of our survey managers, project managers, consultants …

Certification or the ranking in the Best Workplaces List is a reflection of a positive and authentic corporate culture, and the culmination of the progress made.

Our label is an important communication tool for the employer brand.

However, the Great Place To Work® approach goes well beyond the label. It is a continuous improvement process for companies wishing to listen to their employees and their expectations, to strengthen their quality of life at work and their commitment to the service of the collective project.

To be certified, a company must have a minimum threshold of 65% at the Trust Index©.

Until now, we never saw a company with 100% at the Trust Index©.
It is therefore quite normal that certain employees, certain teams, may have the feeling of a dissonance between what is announced by the company and your personal feeling.

The important thing is that areas for improvement are identified, thanks to your answers (of which we guarantee absolute anonymity). We explain to our clients that the most important thing is to ensure a post-survey follow-up, so that the employees have the feeling of having been listened to: via a restitution (global or partial) of the results, and via a plan of action focusing on the dimensions to be improved as a priority.

However, the role of Great Place To Work®, if we are not mandated for an advisory mission, is limited to the restitution of results and these general recommendations.

We are the only ones today to offer a label that is based on a double prism :

  • The perception of the collaborators, evaluated by Trust Index© survey
  • The managerial practices of the company evaluated by the Culture Audit©

In addition, Great Place To Work® has been promoting the importance of quality of life at work for a very long time : 1992 in the United States, 2002 in France and 2016 in Mauritius.

Finally, the methodology used by Great Place To Work® is international. Anchored in the work of many researchers, it is scientifically recognized around the world.