Construction & Material Handling Co. Ltd (CMH) has been in the business of providing high quality, affordable and efficient construction and material handling equipment and services in Mauritius for over 40 years. CMH commercalises high quality and affordable solutions for electrical installations, power management systems, construction tools, abrasives and selective building materials.

CMH currently occupies a major market share locally, and represents strong international equipment manufacturers’ brands.
Together with product knowledge and skilled manpower resources as well as in-depth knowledge of the industry, CMH offers both the equipment and the service that the best standards dictate.

In support of its activities, CMH has a dedicated customer support team, committed to offering customers a fully comprehensive technical assistance.

CMH forms part of IBL Ltd. Following the merger of GML Investissement and Ireland Blyth Limited, two leading companies in Mauritius and in the Indian Ocean, IBL Ltd is the largest business groups in terms of revenue. IBL Ltd employs more than 13,000 highly skilled people working passionately with determination everyday to position the Group as leader in the various industries of the economy it operates in such as: Agro, Commercial, Building & Engineering, Industrial, Innovation, Logistics, Financial Services, Properties and Hospitality.

CMH forms parts of the IBL Building & Engineering Cluster which employs 102 people at different level. Our people are our most valuable assets.

In CMH we truly believe that as any entity or person one has to be constantly driven my a mission, a vision of how to accomplish that mission and above all to accomplish all we need a certain level of values. Since we form part of a large group of companies, CMH adheres the Mission , Vision and Value statement of IBL group.


Construction & Material Handling Co Ltd works with Great Place To Work since 2019.

  • CompanyConstruction & Material Handling Co Ltd
  • CategoryEngineering
  • Tags,
  • Size90 collaborators
  • HQ LocationRiche Terre, Mauritius
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